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Book Descriptions :

If you feel like your brain is ?glitching,? or working against you, know that you?re not stuck with the brain biology gave you. An upgrade is possible.In Brainhacker, you?ll learn how to ?rewire? your brain and boost its power. David Farrow, author of The Farrow Method, helps you get inside your own head and call the shots, with concrete exercises and tips to train your brain to work for you. These tricks can instantly boost your memory, improve your reading speed, help you push away pain, and form life-changing habits that actually last?with techniques as simple as a hand movement or a little bit of imagination. Farrow speaks from personal experience. His unlikely journey from underachieving kid with ADHD and dyslexia to winner of multiple Guinness World Records for memorization is proof that training your brain really works?and can unlock hidden potential. Brainhacker pairs Farrow?s unique, tried-and-true methods with his own story, following his path to success as he searched for .

Book Details :

Author : Dave Farrow

Pages : 224 pages

Publisher : BenBella Books

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 1637741405

ISBN-13 : 9781637741405


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