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Book Descriptions :

Secrets, deception, and?passion consume two pen pals in the TikTok sensation from New York Times bestselling author Penelope Douglas, now with exclusive bonus material!They were perfect together. Until they met.In fifth grade, Misha?s teacher set him and his classmates up with pen pals from a different school. For the next seven years, Ryen was his everything. She kept Misha on track and accepted him as he is. They only had three No social media, no phone numbers, no pictures. There was no reason to ruin the good thing they had going?until Misha runs across a photo of a girl online named Ryen. He knows he has to meet her. But he didn?t expect to hate what he finds.?Ryen has gone three months without a letter from Misha. Did he die? Get arrested? Knowing Misha like she does, neither would be a stretch. She needs to know someone is listening to her. But really, Ryen knows this is her own fault. She should?ve gotten his phone number, or picture, or something.As a mysterious vandal .

Book Details :

Author : Penelope Douglas

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 178628557-punk-57

ISBN-13 : 9780593641996


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